Academic Activities

Academic Activities



    It is a weekly program to be conducted in the class rooms separately and once in a month jointly in three big halls of the Jamia. All the programs run in Arabic language to encourage the students to speak in Arabic language fluently. Some particular teachers are deputed to supervise the program with the help of one student, already chosen out as a secretary (Al-Ameen Al-Aam) .

Jamiatul Al-Islah:

    This student`s union is an important mean to develop the talent of writing & speaking in Urdu language. It fulfils the responsibility of conducting the weekly & monthly programs under the guidance of deputed teachers. One of the students is chosen out as a secretary of union to conduct the program and maintain discipline.

Darul Mutala: (Study Hall):

    A study hall is set to create interest among the students towards Research–Work and enhance knowledge and information. For the study hall, about seven thousand books are made available in its book-shelves to study and consult . The students are getting benefit of it. It is managed by the students of their own.

A department of Journalism for students:

    This department is organized to create journalistic interest among the students. Under it, the students prepare pamphlet –type papers and paste them on a set wall boxes, having articles on exemplary didactic elements. It develops their future trend of mind-set.